Portable Valve Actuators: Solution for Power Loss and Common Valve Issues

20 September 2024

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In industrial environments, valve actuators are essential components that help regulate processes. Critical valves are typically automated and controlled from a central office. However, what happens if there's a power loss ?  The inability to control these valves can quickly escalate into a serious issue, and manual intervention may be required.

In such situations, portable valve actuators provide a valuable, complementary solution. These handheld devices allow operators to manually control valves quickly and safely, mitigating downtime and risks associated with power loss. Whether it's an emergency or routine maintenance, portable actuators can step in to ensure efficiency and safety.


Common issues with Static Valve Actuators

Static valve actuators play a crucial role in various industrial processes, but they can encounter several issues that affect efficiency. One common problem is with the sealing assembly. If the packing is too loose, it can result in leaks, causing fluid or gas loss. On the other hand, if the packing is too tight, it can restrict valve movement and potentially damage the actuator. 

Another issue is improper torque and pressure management, where incorrect torque application or pressure control can lead to leaks at the valve joints, damaging seals and further reducing efficiency. 

Actuator sizing also plays a significant role in operational effectiveness; if the actuator is not appropriately sized for the valve, it may not provide sufficient force, resulting in operational delays.

Additionally, regular maintenance and monitoring are essential to ensure that these components are functioning correctly and to prevent wear and tear from turning into more significant problems over time.


Portable Valve Actuators: A Versatile Solution

Portable valve actuators are designed to address the limitations of static actuators, offering flexibility and reliability, particularly in case of power failures. Their benefits include:

▶️ Emergency Backup: When power loss prevents automated valves from functioning, portable actuators allow for immediate manual operation, ensuring that critical processes can continue uninterrupted.

▶️ Safety: By enabling operators to quickly intervene during emergencies, portable actuators reduce the risks associated with manual valve control, especially in high-risk environments like oil, gas, and chemical plants.

▶️ Precise Torque : Portable actuators can be calibrated to apply the exact torque needed for safe and efficient valve operation, preventing damage to the sealing assembly.

▶️ Maintenance support: They can also assist during valve maintenance by opening or closing valves safely, reducing wear and ensuring the longevity of the valve components.

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Key Applications Across Industries: 

Portable valve actuators are particularly valuable in industries like:

• Water and Wastewater Treatment: During power outages, portable actuators help maintain essential operations, preventing environmental hazards.
• Oil and Gas: Power failures in oil and gas facilities can lead to safety hazards. Portable actuators offer an immediate, safe response for valve control during outages.
• Chemical Manufacturing: When automated systems fail, portable actuators prevent hazardous leaks or spills by providing manual control.
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Portable valve actuators are indispensable tools that enhance the reliability, efficiency, and safety of industrial processes. Whether addressing power failures or mitigating common issues with static actuators, these devices offer a practical and cost-effective solution. 

By providing a backup option for critical valve operations, portable actuators ensure the continuity of essential processes and minimize the risks associated with manual intervention.

Sandra Noël
Sandra Noël

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